Its been over a week (two weeks now) since my last post. In internet time that is very long. I have a good reason though. I know, it makes a nice change. Well anyway yesterday (last week) I handed in my dissertation. I have been working on it all year and now its handed in.
It was quite a slog at times but now its in the office. Done. As you can see from the image my handwriting is atrocious! However I don't think I'm going to need to be able to write that much. I know strange. I plan to use a computer whenever possible!
The new issue of Writing Magazine has just arrived. (13:38 ish. This time last week.)
While this is a great magazine I have had trouble coming up with ideas for their competitions.
So I'll rip open the magazine and hopefully inspiration will strike. I still have two pieces of work to finish for university which I suppose I should also get on with!
The next piece of work due in is for Writing Culture and Society. This is a misleading subject title as the writing need have nothing to do with culture or society. For this subject I'm writing a science fiction story. It is written in a similar style to The Saga of Seven Suns. Each chapter has the heading of a character's name and that chapter stays in the point of view of that specific character. This structure came about because of the confusion of moving between POVs and locations mid chapter. Now the narrative is more focused and the novel is easier to follow.
It has only been because of tutorials that the necessity of this structure occurred. I would say to anyone writing a novel find your self a writing group. They are an invaluable resource.
The last piece of work, due in on Friday the 13th, is my screenplay. This is nearly done. I'm going through it at the moment and tightening the scenes. Some will probably be removed and their may be other's added. My script tutor told me a very important thing when editing a script. Edit in stages. I.E go thorough and look at dialogue, then description and any other aspects of the story. Only focus on one aspect at a time. This should lead to a coherent story.