Okay so its not Sunday. Somehow I knew that my plan to post every week would fail. By way of an apology here is an image of Kathmandu.
One of these days the image will have something to do with the post. And one day pigs might fly.
University is going well and Christmas is scarily close. Happily their are no deadlines this side of Christmas! Tomorrow I will take my plan (final hopefully) for my script to my tutor. In theory I'll get the green light and all will be right with the world - or my small corner of it - okay scratch that - one thing will be right with my world. I have a tendency to go on. The idea of this was that I would get talking to people. Actually its just me sitting at my computer.
Also for university I'm working on a critical essay. It'll be on Across the Wall by Garth Nix. If you like fantasy and haven't read any of his books I can recommend him as an author. He is easily as good as JK Rowling and Philip Pullman and actually I'd say better.
Here's another random picture in case the first didn't work.
The essay will be about the idea of world building. As I write fantasy it can be difficult establishing the world for one simple reason: those in the world know about it and are not going to go around discussing every day things. Some conversations actually say nothing...
"Did you get the...doodad?"
"Yes," I'll say, "I put it in the..." then I'll click my fingers. No the words don't come, "the oogemawhatsit."
That is not a verbatim conversation I've had but its close. Obviously a silly example but suppose you'd invented the car for a novel. You can't say 'he got into the car.' and 'he got into the box on wheels sounds silly'!
That essay might actually be fun to write. Like I said deadlines are a long way off!
'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams.
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