Sabriel by Garth Nix is a fantasy novel and part of The Old Kingdom series.
The story is quite complicated and I can't really do it justice here. It is the story of two worlds, one magical and one technological, these worlds are separated by a wall.
The most interesting thing in this book, and I think most original, is that magic and technology only work in their respective worlds. So a Charter Mage, this term is used in place of Witch or Wizard, can do spells in the Old Kingdom but if they cross the wall, into Ancelstierre their spells may not work. Magic can sometimes work in Ancelstierre but only in the areas close to the wall and it is dependant on which way the wind is blowing. Similarly technology is ineffective in the Old Kingdom.
These two words, neither of which is ours, make for a very interesting story. We as readers get to lean about two exciting new places.
The story is about Sabriel who leaves the technological world of Ancelstierre to go in search of her missing father. This is a novel about necromancy and magic and is an excellent read. Though it is supposed to be a children's book I believe that adults will enjoy it too. However an adult reader may find it a little simplistic in places.
I give this book ****
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