Sunday, 20 May 2012


I've just been looking over some old posts and realised I've made a bit of a mistake. I ended two posts recently saying what I would discuss in the next post. Then I um... didn't.

The first of these was with regard to my writing life. I stated:

'My life is writing and I don't do it as often as I would like to but that's a topic for another blog.'

I have to work. Work, for me, is just a means to an end. I need money to live it is the fact of life. The dream would be to find a job in writing or, at the very least, enjoy. My currant job does not fit this particular bill.

I don't yet know how I could start to make money from writing. These ramblings are certainly not going to do it.

Another post ended with:

'Slightly off topic I've recently joined a dating site. This is in the hopes that I can avoid the 'friend zone' or not being thought of 'in that way.' This subject will form the basis of my next post.'

In someways I don't like the term 'Friend Zone' but it is a real phenomenon. I have always felt that when it comes to dating I like to get to know someone. So approaching a girl in a pub or club because she looks 'hot' would not be my style. In the interest of full discloser it doesn't help that I'm short and could be compared to a Klingon who's lost his ridges. Also I don't like clubbing so if I go to a club I would meet people who like clubs. I like book shops but people don't expect to be asked out at a book shop.

So before I ask anyone out I'd want to get to know them. That process can take a while and then you find yourself trapped as a friend. In someways dating sites are good for overcoming this because when you contact someone you know that dating is the reason for the communication. Thought the friend zone is still a possibility as your liable to find them on facebook, friend them, and never speak to them again!

Well time will tell and I may expand on this further in the future.    

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