Saturday, 29 October 2011

Writer's Blog: Graduating to Trolleys

My dad had the rather strange idea the other day. He suggested that I should wear a graduation robe to my pushing-trolleys job. It would be impractical but, as dad said, it would probably raise headlines. The point of this exercise was to highlight the of the job centre. I leave it to you whether you fill that gap with stupidity, short-sightedness or lack of caring. The point is that I have now attended the job centre with A levels and a degree and have noticed no obvious change in the opportunities offered. It makes me wonder how far the stupidity goes. If a person with a doctorate were to be made redundant and had difficulty finding work would they be given a trolley pushing job?

The point, that in a rambling and meandering way, I'm trying to make is simple. When a person is using the job centre their qualifications should be at the core of how they are helped. So a person with no qualifications should be given a different list of job placements to someone with qualifications.

To undermine everything I've just said the job isn't all bad. In fact were a vacancy available I would happily except it. It would give me an income, enough to pay the bills, and allow me to concentrate on my studies. Also being on one's feet and walking for so long is a great way to lose weight.

So I will be sticking with the job for the time being.

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