Thursday, 6 October 2011

Writer's Blog: No internet

I'm writing this post in a word document, well LibreOffice Writer to be precise, because I don't have Internet at home at the moment. You see – I've just moved house.
I've been living in bit of chaos recently as everything is moved. I've discovered that I have a hell of a lot of junk. I'm hoping to get rid of lots of stuff and limit myself to just what I need. Its funny but although I have lots of stuff, what I use on a day-to-day basis is actually quite minimal: Computer; desk; chair(s); phone; kindle; book(s), food and a few other things. Sorting is hard though and sometimes you come across an item and you don't know what it is, perhaps a lid off something, but you keep it because you think that one day you will find what it is the lid for.
I should say thank you to my mother at this point for her invaluable help in organising the knew house and my too many possessions.
My Internet connection will be transferred down to my knew house in about a week. Then I can get back to wasting my time again. Its quite funny actually – I'm rather enjoying not having the Internet it means there is much less distraction. You as the reader though will notice no disruption in my posts as I have scheduled several to come out over the next few days – at least I think I have.
In other news my Scriptwriting Master's starts tomorrow. Its at the wonderfully civilised time of 1000 hours so getting up will not be a problem. I'm really looking forward to this course as scriptwriting is my favourite aspect of writing. I will write about the first day and, using my parents Internet connection, post it on Sunday. Until then see you soon.

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