Why am I talking about this?
Because I'm about to talk about attracting readers to this blog. Simply put I want more readers. I want to have some sort of web profile. And the only way I can do this is to post information with those that already read this blog. So How can I increase my web presence?
"You could try interesting content."
The giraffe has a point. - Was that too random?
So, what would qualify as interesting?
Many of the people I watch on You Tube - I know slightly different thing - have content almost entirely from their views. Obviously it can't start that way. So how does it start. Naturally I'm not expecting an answer here but it would be interesting to find out.
So I want to start on the road to something that will attract more attention.

There are some cheep and cheerful ways of doing this. I could, for instance, just write words from google's top search list. Which would be misleading when people arrived and found nothing to do with those words.
Food could be something I could write about. Would that be of interest. Mostly I cook slow cooked meals. These are really simple and if you know about them it really starts to make the 'I can't cook." claim sound ridicules.
So perhaps that is what I'll do. So. If you've stumbled upon this blog by accident tell me what you'd like to see. Is there some story related thing you'd like.
Write a story with three items, for instance.
This is just scribblings. I hope that for you, the reader, it has been interesting too. Let me know what I can do.
So tomorrow I'll try posting a food related post.
We shall see where this goes.
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