Thursday, 23 December 2010

Writer's Blog 2010-12-23-2010-12-31

For reasons that are unlikely to become clear at the movement, I have just finished watching a set of responses on the website Confused I won't bore you with the details but it does allude to something I do want to talk about. So first a bit of background:

Confused Matthew is a film reviewer. He has some strong views about certain films. He reviewed 2001 a Space Odyssey. He concluded that it was a film about nothing. Then a you tube user Chasemelendez responded to this. This user vehemently opposes Confused Matthew's view. Chase's response, and the original review, are simply opinions. Yet somehow these opinions, certainly from Chase, are stated as fact and that is what I want to talk about.

My likes and dislikes, particularly in school, were almost always out side of the norm. I am a big science fiction fan and can quote large potions of dialogue and recognise certain episodes by a few seconds of footage. Yes this makes me a nerd, or is it geek, well I no longer care.

In school I was, I hesitate to say bullied for, but certainly teased for liking science fiction. Some how in the minds of children, this was in high school, science fiction was bad. In fact, and I can't remember the exact quote, I have heard it said that Battlestar Galactica can't be science fiction 'because its good'.

So I have this to say. Like what you like. This is not something you need to apologise for. Thinking of school again we once had a pot luck quiz - on one of those end of year things - and the question was asked: Who played Captain Kirk in Star Trek? - In that moment I was everyone's friend.

As a general rule in school I found myself thinking, 'Ever be a friend or not.' In a strange way flip flopping between these two extremes is more annoying than having people hate you.

I'm rambling. Here's a video.

This video is tangentially related to what I've been talking about. True its tangential but I just like to plug Sfdebris and his reviews.

This video is about Threshold. This is a Star Trek: Voyager episode. In Star Trek circles this is considered the worse Voyager episode and possible the worst thing with the Star Trek name (though that might belong to Enterprise's A Night in Sickbay) but that's not what I'm discussing. He talks about opinions and the importance of respecting the opinions of others.

I don't like football. However if I one day had a girlfriend who loved it and wanted to go and see it in Brazil. Then I'd go along and enjoy the sights while she sat in the stadium. Similarly at home I can go in another room and write.

So to round of this rambling let me bring this back to what I started with. Don't worry about what others like. The videos I mentioned at the beginning are simply opinions. Some people feel threatened when someone else says that they dislike the other person's favourite thing,

"I'd Really Rather You Didn't Act Like A Sanctimonious Holier-Than-Thou Ass When Describing My Noodly Goodness. If Some People Don't Believe In Me, That's Okay. Really, I'm Not That Vain. Besides, This Isn't About Them So Don't Change The Subject." Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Happy New Year.

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