Once again the imagination fails to be sparked by this word. Ironically I've just been watching a Stargate SG-1 episode, 'The Fifth Race', where Colonel O'Neill has this ability.
'Xenoglossia is the putative paranormal phenomenon in which a person is able to speak or write a language he or she could not have acquired by natural means.' - is the definition according to faithful Wikipedia.
Wouldn't that be a great thing? I'd love to be able to just innately pick up a language like that. However as I proved the other day I even seem to have problems with English!
I had some work read out in class last week and there were, unfortunately, a lot of mistakes in it. Most of these were centered around speech. Somehow language changes around speech. Maybe I'm just being dense but it does seem like the rules of punctuation are changed when speech marks are involved. Well I've edited the chapter now and will actually get back to writing. As any writer will know editing is bad and boring.
Here is a picture of me holding magazines.
This is writing magazine. As you can see they are still in their cellophane wrapping. Don't let that fool you. These have very good articles for the budding writer. Advice, interviews; the works. I just don't always get around to reading them. However one interesting thing I read in the previous issue was a way to get round getting stuck. Basically it said to meander. To describe more thoroughly. Or even to kill a character. This allows for something to be written, rather than giving up, and in the process the path of the novel become clear.
Well once again this hasn't been a story. However I have high hopes for the next world which is - Yacht. I am sure to think of something for that.
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